The HSE are currently running a programme of farm safety inspections. Agriculture, forestry and fishing remains one of the most hazardous industries in the UK with a fatal injury rate 18 times greater than the average across all industries. Of the 33 people killed in the industry in 2017/18 the biggest cause of fatal injury was injured by an animal with 8 fatalities.
The HSE are warning that farmers must have suitable controls in place when handling livestock. They state that as part of the farm safety inspections their inspectors will be focussing on the risks from cattle and reminding farmers of their duty to protect themselves, their workers and members of the public.
The HSE state farms should have proper livestock handling facilities, which are kept in good working order, a race and a crush suitable for the animals you handle, trained and competent workers; and a rigorous culling policy for temperamental animals.
Further information on farm safety can be found on the HSE’s website at:
Please speak to your normal PIB Risk management contact or get in touch using [email protected] if you have any questions or would like to arrange a Health and Safety compliance audit.

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