Changes to Driver CPC Regulations
In 2007 a requirement was introduced within the EU for all professional drivers of lorries, buses and coaches to complete a minimum amount of initial training and regular refresher training. This was called Driver CPC, or Certificate of Professional Competence.
In 2013 the EU carried out a review of the driver CPC regulations and identified a number of issues with the current system, including difficulties with the content of the training, interpretation of exemptions and cross border recognition. As a result, amendments have been issued which the UK Government now needs to bring into law.
The amendments the Government intends to make include:
- Allowing 12 out of the required 35 hours of regular refresher training to be e-learning
- Allowing dangerous goods training to count towards driver CPC
- Amending the exemption for non-commercial driving by removing the term “personal use”
- Clarifying what constitutes “driving as a principle activity”
The Driver and Vehicle Standards Agency has launched a consultation on the proposed changes, this runs until 29th April 2020. You can find out more about the proposed changes and respond to the consultation on the Gov.UK website at:

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