Updated Compressed Gas Safety Guidance Issued

September 16, 2024
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The British Compressed Gases Association (BCGA) has recently updated a number of their guidance notes and technician information sheets.

Updated guidance includes:

  • Guidance Note 40, ‘Medical Gases. Quality Management System Corrective and Preventive Actions. Revision 1: 2024’. This guidance provides information about quality management systems for companies manufacturing and distributing medical gases. The document provides information about corrective and preventive actions.
  • Guidance Note 8, “Catalogue of gas container marks used by BCGA members and their Inspection Bodies. Revision 7: 2024,” which lists the recognised gas container marks used by BCGA members and their Inspection Bodies.
  • Technician Information Sheet 18 “Date marking of gas accessories. Revision 4: 2024” this identifies the different date marking systems used by some BCGA members.
  • Technician Information Sheet 32, ‘Acetylene of propane (for welding, cutting, and allied processes). Revision 3: 2024’. The document includes information about the properties of acetylene and propane to help readers choose the correct fuel gas for them when welding or cutting.
  • Technician information Sheet 37, ‘Medical Gases. Gas Cylinder Cleanliness Standards. Revision 3: 2024’. This document focusses on the methods for cleaning the external surfaces of medical gas cylinders or to return a cylinder in protective packaging. The document does not cover the internal condition of cylinders.

If you have any questions or would like support with managing issues at your workplace, please speak to your usual contact or get in touch using the form below.