Our testimonials
Here’s what some of our clients have to say about PIB Risk Management...

Working through the pandemic, having a sound
business continuity plan was never more evident.
Working with PIB, we have been supported through an
excellent process, and now have a very clear business continuity plan. The supportive and informative process
has provided us with a much more in-depth opportunity
to plan our approach in a logical way. It has saved us
time and significantly enhanced our understanding,
culminating in an easy to follow plan that can
readily be updated as things change.
Wirral Hospice St John's

At Drive Motor Retail Ltd we have been working with PIB Risk Management since 2015. During this time we have been fully supported by the company in all aspects of Health & Safety, from Audits, Fire Risk Assessments to Accident Reporting and the xCenta system. The xCenta system has allowed us to be able to train all of our employees on all aspects of Health & Safety in their working roles, making them more aware at an individual employee level. The system allows us to keep all inspections, services and repairs logged in one location, so in the event of an audit or inspection, all information for the entire group is to hand. The ease of using xCenta has transformed our attitude to Health & Safety, thus giving us peace of mind, knowing that we are doing everything we can to make our working environment a safer place for everyone to work in.The great team of Risk Managers has helped huide us through the ever increasing demands of Health & Safety in the 21st Century.
Drive Vauxhall (Bristol North)

PIB Risk Management have supported the Lincolnshire Partnership NHS Foundation Trust by delivering CDM Awareness via eLearning. This has enabled Estates staff and associated stakeholders to upskill and enhance their knowledge, understanding and appreciation for the requirements of CDM. The training has supported the leadership team to deliver consistent education and communication to all staff and partners' clients. I'd highly recommend PIB Risk Management to support your business.
NHS Foundation Trust & Lincolnshire Community Health Service