The Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 regulates fire safety in non-domestic premises such as workplaces and the common parts of residential buildings. These regulations cover such matters as fire risk assessment, duties to take general fire safety precautions, consult with and provide fire safety information, instruction and training for employees, fire detection, emergency exits etc. In conjunction with the … Read More
Shift work and increased rates of cancer
Over the years there have been a number of reports suggesting a link between shift work and increased rates of cancer, in particular breast cancer in women. One theory that has been proposed is that light at night supresses the production of the hormone melatonin which is known to have anti-carcinogenic properties. Potentially reducing the body’s ability to fight emerging … Read More
Hot and Bothered – Can I Stop Working?
With record temperatures predicted for western Europe and the summer holidays not yet begun temperature in the workplace can be a hot topic. While regulations do state that “During working hours, the temperature in all workplaces inside buildings shall be reasonable” in the UK there is no set maximum temperature for a workplace and the regulation does not apply to … Read More
Noise – A note worthy appeal
While many of the articles you will find here look at health and safety regulations from the point of view of enforcement by the authorities, failures in complying with regulations are often cited in claims for compensation when someone has been injured at work. Previously we have reported on a compensation claim by a musician against the Royal Opera House … Read More
What are the HSE’s plans?
The HSE recently launched their business plan for 2019/2020, this sets out what their key areas of work will be for the coming year. Naturally the HSE has an overall objective to improve workplace health and safety, the business plan provides some extra detail as to how they intend to achieve this. Putting the “health” into health and safety the … Read More
Who will answer your fire alarm?
Individual fire authorities are responsible for creating appropriate strategies for their own area. With limited resources and many calls on those resources fire authorities have to make difficult decisions about how they allocate those resources. Sometimes those decisions can be controversial, response to fire alarms is sometimes a sensitive area. The latest figures from the Home Office show that 40% … Read More
HSE fee for intervention rate up
The Health and Safety Executive’s Fee For Intervention (FFI) scheme was launched in October 2012, this allows the HSE to charge organisations for the costs involved in investigating, issuing notices and assisting in correcting material breaches of health and safety regulations. This is charged at an hourly rate based on the amount of time taken by an inspector on the … Read More
10 years of the gas safety register
The HSE report that every year around 14 people die from carbon monoxide poisoning caused by gas appliances and flues which have not been properly installed or maintained, faulty gas installations can also cause fires and explosions. Anyone who carries out work on relevant gas installations and pipelines must be officially approved to carry out this work. The register of … Read More
Reporting accidents, diseases and dangerous occurances
Under the Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations, employers, the self-employed and people in control of work premises are required to report certain serious workplace accidents, occupational diseases and specified dangerous occurrences to the relevant authority. In England, Scotland and Wales reports can be made online via the HSE’s website at: fatalities, specified injuries and major incidents can … Read More
HSE issue warning to livestock farmers
The HSE are currently running a programme of farm safety inspections. Agriculture, forestry and fishing remains one of the most hazardous industries in the UK with a fatal injury rate 18 times greater than the average across all industries. Of the 33 people killed in the industry in 2017/18 the biggest cause of fatal injury was injured by an animal … Read More