Inducement to opt-out of auto enrolment

brendanmullanAgriculture, Automotive, Construction & Property Management, Education, Haulage & Logistics, Health & Social Care, Hospitality & Leisure, Manufacturing & Engineering, Religious Organisations & Charities, Retail & Commercial & Offices

Legal duty in July 2018, the pension regulator (TPR) announced a 68% increase in complaints which relate to employers attempting to have their employees opt out of pensions auto – enrolment. In light of this, TPR is reinforcing the fact that it is a criminal offence for an employer to induce, or attempt to induce, an employee who is eligible … Read More

Preparing for the Bonfire Season

brendanmullanAgriculture, Automotive, Construction & Property Management, Education, Haulage & Logistics, Health & Social Care, Hospitality & Leisure, Manufacturing & Engineering, Religious Organisations & Charities, Retail & Commercial & Offices

And so the firework season begins….  Fireworks are now used widely across many public, corporate and charity events throughout the season and well into the New Year. If you or your organisation are holding a public or private event where fireworks will be used, it is important to remind those involved in some simple precautions to ensure the event is … Read More

Name calling in the workplace – Unfair Dismissal

brendanmullanAgriculture, Automotive, Construction & Property Management, Education, Haulage & Logistics, Health & Social Care, Hospitality & Leisure, Manufacturing & Engineering, Religious Organisations & Charities, Retail & Commercial & Offices

An employee of a motorcycle manufacturer who was fired after she called one of her colleagues a ‘knob head’ over a workplace email was unfairly dismissed, the Employment Appeal tribunal (EAT) has upheld. Talon Engineering’s decision to dismiss Mrs. V Smith was found to be unreasonable because of its refusal to postpone her disciplinary hearing for a second time so … Read More

Is maximum workplace temperature legislation possible?

brendanmullanAgriculture, Automotive, Construction & Property Management, Education, Haulage & Logistics, Health & Social Care, Hospitality & Leisure, Manufacturing & Engineering, Religious Organisations & Charities, Retail & Commercial & Offices

Following the Great British Heat Wave, many employees (and employers) across the country are asking the question: ‘Why isn’t there a legally enforceable maximum workplace temperature?’ This isn’t the first time the question has come up, but it is the first time a maximum workplace temperature has become a real possibility. Why haven’t we already got a maximum workplace temperature? … Read More

Intrusive Interference or Legitimate Interest – How much should you monitor people at work?

brendanmullanAgriculture, Automotive, Construction & Property Management, Education, Haulage & Logistics, Health & Social Care, Hospitality & Leisure, Manufacturing & Engineering, Religious Organisations & Charities, Retail & Commercial & Offices

Monitoring work activity is no longer just the case of a manager or supervisor directly observing their team, the rapid growth of technology has enabled a wide range of monitoring activities and used inappropriately or unfairly, monitoring could be counter-productive and have a demoralising effect. There are many reasons why organisations may want to monitor the activity of people at … Read More

The Secret Life of the Office Toilet, What is Your Washroom Used For?

brendanmullanAgriculture, Automotive, Construction & Property Management, Education, Haulage & Logistics, Health & Social Care, Hospitality & Leisure, Manufacturing & Engineering, Religious Organisations & Charities, Retail & Commercial & Offices

All employers are required suitable welfare facilities for their workers, this includes: suitable and sufficient sanitary conveniences; suitable and sufficient washing facilities; an adequate supply of wholesome drinking water; suitable and sufficient rest facilities; and where meals are regularly eaten in the workplace, suitable and sufficient facilities for persons at work to eat meals Regulations go on to say that, … Read More

Glyphosate, Cancer and the Safe Use of Weedkiller


Recently a US court ordered Monsanto to pay $289million to a groundsman after it was claimed he had developed cancer from using glyphosate containing weed killers as part of his job at a school in California. It is expected that Monsanto will appeal this judgement. There is not the space in this article for a detailed discussion of the scientific … Read More

Reducing the Sweet Smell of Ammonia


When released into the atmosphere ammonia can have significant effects on human health and the environment. The main source of ammonia pollution in the UK has been identified as agriculture. As part of the Government’s clean air strategy a new Code of Good Agricultural Practice (COGAP) for Reducing Ammonia Emissions has been produced by the Department for Environment Food and … Read More

Manual Handling and Sickness Absence

brendanmullanAgriculture, Automotive, Construction & Property Management, Education, Haulage & Logistics, Health & Social Care, Hospitality & Leisure, Manufacturing & Engineering, Religious Organisations & Charities, Retail & Commercial & Offices

Figures recently released by the Office for National Statistics show that, musculoskeletal problems (including back pain, neck and upper limb problems etc) were responsible for 28.2 million days lost to sickness in 2017. The figures were higher for men at 28% of days lost compared to 18.4% for women. Musculoskeletal problems can often be a result of poor manual handling … Read More

National Minimum Wage – The Current Situation

brendanmullanAgriculture, Automotive, Construction & Property Management, Education, Haulage & Logistics, Health & Social Care, Hospitality & Leisure, Manufacturing & Engineering, Religious Organisations & Charities, Retail & Commercial & Offices

The National Minimum Wage has been the focus of many legal cases recently, with everything from sleep-in shifts and whistleblowing, to national naming and shaming for firms failing to pay the NMW. With so much going on, it can be easy to lose track of what you need to be aware of, and what the latest ruling is. So, here … Read More