Presenteeism and Leavism – more jargon or a serious concern for wellbeing at work?

brendanmullanAgriculture, Automotive, Construction & Property Management, Education, Haulage & Logistics, Health & Social Care, Hospitality & Leisure, Manufacturing & Engineering, Religious Organisations & Charities, Retail & Commercial & Offices

Presenteeism is a term used to describe the phenomenon of people coming into work when they are unwell. While leaveism refers to people using allocated time off e.g. annual leave to work, or working outside contracted hours. The levels of presenteeism and leaveism were looked at in a recent survey by the CIPD (Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development). The … Read More

How to obtain quality fire safety products and services

brendanmullanAgriculture, Automotive, Construction & Property Management, Education, Haulage & Logistics, Health & Social Care, Hospitality & Leisure, Manufacturing & Engineering, Religious Organisations & Charities, Retail & Commercial & Offices

If you were responsible for fire safety for your organisation and you needed some advice perhaps to carry out a fire risk assessment or to obtain the right fire safety equipment for your premises, where would you go? There is a large volume of information available on the internet, most of it is reliable and accurate, but how can you … Read More

Medicine, manufacturing, testing, teaching – does your work involve ionising radiation?

brendanmullanEducation, Agriculture, Manufacturing & Engineering

Ionising radiation can be found in a number of industries including nuclear, medical and veterinary, manufacturing, engineering, non-destructive testing, research, teaching, radiography and others. Radiation is called ionising when it has sufficient energy so that when it interacts with an atom, it can remove electrons from the atom’s orbit causing it to become charged (or ionised). Workplace exposure can also … Read More

PIB Risk Management releases an introductory film

brendanmullanAgriculture, Automotive, Construction & Property Management, Education, Haulage & Logistics, Health & Social Care, Hospitality & Leisure, Manufacturing & Engineering, Religious Organisations & Charities, Retail & Commercial & Offices

PIB Group recently launched PIB Risk Management, a new venture which merged two of its existing businesses, Sigerson Associates and Ford Risk Management. Following the launch of the new venture, the PIB Risk Management team have produced a short film to provide a detailed overview of the business along with a chance to meet some of the team.

Why not make assessing DSE your New Year resolution?

brendanmullanEducation, Agriculture, Automotive, Construction & Property Management, Haulage & Logistics, Health & Social Care, Hospitality & Leisure, Manufacturing & Engineering, Religious Organisations & Charities, Retail & Commercial & Offices

Working with Display Screen Equipment (DSE) may not be the highest risk activity that is carried out in your workplace but with the proliferation of computers, laptops, tablets, smartphones and other similar devices it is often the most common piece of work equipment. It is also something which is easy to overlook. The HSE state that in surveys a significant … Read More

The importance of Health & Safety training

brendanmullanAgriculture, Automotive, Construction & Property Management, Education, Haulage & Logistics, Health & Social Care, Hospitality & Leisure, Manufacturing & Engineering, Religious Organisations & Charities, Retail & Commercial & Offices

Training staff is a statutory requirement and an essential part of managing risk within any organisation. The Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974 emphasises the importance of health and safety training, stating that employers must provide suitable information, instruction and training for all employees. Making sure your organisation has the correct training programme in place for all members … Read More

Does your organisation have the correct fire safety measures in place?

brendanmullanAgriculture, Automotive, Construction & Property Management, Education, Haulage & Logistics, Health & Social Care, Hospitality & Leisure, Manufacturing & Engineering, Religious Organisations & Charities, Retail & Commercial & Offices

Fires are a serious risk for organisations of all types. It’s up to you as the business owner/employer to take the correct precautions to keep yourself and your co-workers safe from fire hazards and protect your business in terms of property and reputation. You are responsible for fire safety in a business or other non-domestic premises if you are an … Read More