The Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic has introduced many new concepts and terminology to the language. One of these is “long COVID” also known as “post-COVID-19 syndrome”. Most people who contract COVID-19 will feel better in a few days or weeks and most will make a full recovery within 12 weeks, however symptoms can last longer for some people and this is … Read More
Covid-19 Risk Assessments No Longer Required For Most Businesses In England And Scotland
Now that coronavirus restrictions are being replaced with public health advice, the HSE have updated their website to say that they no longer expect all organisations to consider Covid-19 in their risk assessments or to have specific measures in place. Higher risk activities such as laboratories handling virus specimens or health and social care working with infectious patients will still … Read More
PIB Group Acquires Baily Garner (Health and Safety) Ltd
PIB Group Ltd (‘PIB’) has snapped up Baily Garner (Health & Safety) Ltd (“Baily Garner HS” or “BGHS”), a specialist independent health and safety consultancy. Based in London and servicing customers nationally, Baily Garner HS provide a comprehensive range of solutions to a broad range of industries and blue-chip organisations. Their arrival will further strengthen the Group’s leading risk management … Read More
Roadmaps out of COVID Restrictions
As restrictions continue to ease, here is a summary of recent updates from the English, Scottish, Welsh and Northern Ireland governments England The government has announced a timetable for further reducing restrictions, main changes are: 22nd February 2022 The guidance for staff and students in most education and childcare settings to undertake twice weekly asymptomatic testing has been removed. 24th … Read More
Why risk management is important for all organisations as they return to work

The HSE has issued their latest annual statistics for levels of work related injury and ill health in the UK covering the period April 2020 to March 2021. Not surprisingly it is understood that these statistics have been significantly affected by the Coronavirus pandemic making comparisons with previous years difficult. The figures show that 1.7 million workers were suffering from … Read More
Allergies or intolerances to various substances are a part of everyday life, it is estimated that 2 million people in the UK have some form of food allergy or intolerance. While for many people an allergic reaction may be uncomfortable but not severe, sometimes the consequences of consuming the wrong food can be devastating. In July 2016, while on a … Read More
In normal years it is estimated that around 600,00 workers suffer from work-related stress, depression or anxiety (new or longstanding) and over 12 million working days are lost to these causes, making this the number one cause of employee sickness absence. With added anxiety caused by Coronavirus, it is no surprise that this is a serious issue. Recently the HSE … Read More
The latest figures issued by the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) show a fall in the number of prosecutions and notices issued for breaches of health and safety regulations in 2020/21. In the latest year, 185 cases prosecuted by the HSE (or referred to the Crown Office and Procurator Fiscal Service for prosecution in Scotland) resulted in a conviction for … Read More
Last week the Welsh Government announced that from 27th December nightclubs must close and there will be a 2 metre rule on social distancing in offices and extra measures to protect customers and staff. The Welsh Government provided some more detail and brought the introduction of the new measures forward to 26th December with the announcement of a return to … Read More