brendanmullanAgriculture, Automotive, Construction & Property Management, Education, Haulage & Logistics, Health & Social Care, Hospitality & Leisure, Manufacturing & Engineering, Religious Organisations & Charities, Retail & Commercial & Offices


It is estimated that around 12.7 million working-age people in the UK have a long-term health condition including around 7.6 million disabled people. In a typical year, around 1.4 million working-age people have at least one sickness absence lasting four weeks or longer, while most people successfully return to work after a period of long-term sickness absence, disabled people are … Read More


brendanmullanAgriculture, Automotive, Construction & Property Management, Education, Haulage & Logistics, Health & Social Care, Hospitality & Leisure, Manufacturing & Engineering, Religious Organisations & Charities, Retail & Commercial & Offices

Power lines

Overhead powerlines are often uninsulated and may be carrying electricity at voltages up to 400kV, if a conductive item such as a scaffold pole, machine arm, ladder etc touches a powerline electricity will be conducted through it to earth. Anyone touching the item is at risk of receiving a serious or even fatal electric shock. It is not always necessary … Read More

The Health and Safety Executive issue electrical safety alert following fire

brendanmullanAgriculture, Automotive, Construction & Property Management, Education, Haulage & Logistics, Health & Social Care, Hospitality & Leisure, Manufacturing & Engineering, Religious Organisations & Charities, Retail & Commercial & Offices

The HSE have issued a safety alert concerning high capacity electrical capacitors in industrial equipment. The alert follows investigations into a fire in 2018 that occurred in an industrial uninterruptable power supply system manufactured by Vertiv Infrastructure (previously known as Emerson / Chloride). The cause of the fire was traced to the dangerous failure of an ICAR branded capacitor. industrial … Read More


brendanmullanAgriculture, Automotive, Construction & Property Management, Education, Haulage & Logistics, Health & Social Care, Hospitality & Leisure, Manufacturing & Engineering, Religious Organisations & Charities, Retail & Commercial & Offices

The latest statistics just released by the HSE show that in the year 2018 to 2019 147 workers were killed as a result of accidents at work. The most common cause of fatal injury was falls from height accounting for 410 deaths, being struck by a moving vehicle resulted in 30 fatalities. Other common types of fatal accident included struck … Read More


brendanmullanAgriculture, Automotive, Construction & Property Management, Education, Haulage & Logistics, Health & Social Care, Hospitality & Leisure, Manufacturing & Engineering, Religious Organisations & Charities, Retail & Commercial & Offices

The Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 regulates fire safety in non-domestic premises such as workplaces and the common parts of residential buildings. These regulations cover such matters as fire risk assessment, duties to take general fire safety precautions, consult with and provide fire safety information, instruction and training for employees, fire detection, emergency exits etc. In conjunction with the … Read More

Shift work and increased rates of cancer

brendanmullanAgriculture, Automotive, Construction & Property Management, Education, Haulage & Logistics, Health & Social Care, Hospitality & Leisure, Manufacturing & Engineering, Religious Organisations & Charities, Retail & Commercial & Offices

shift work

Over the years there have been a number of reports suggesting a link between shift work and increased rates of cancer, in particular breast cancer in women. One theory that has been proposed is that light at night supresses the production of the hormone melatonin which is known to have anti-carcinogenic properties. Potentially reducing the body’s ability to fight emerging … Read More

New Food Labeling Laws Due By Summer 2021

brendanmullanManufacturing & Engineering, Education, Retail & Commercial & Offices

Food Labeling

Allergies or intolerances to various substances are a part of everyday life, it is estimated that 2 million people in the UK have some form for food allergy or intolerance. While for many people an allergic reaction may be uncomfortable but not severe sometimes the consequences of consuming the wrong food can be devastating. In July 2016, 15 year old, … Read More

Hot and Bothered – Can I Stop Working?

brendanmullanAgriculture, Automotive, Construction & Property Management, Education, Haulage & Logistics, Health & Social Care, Hospitality & Leisure, Manufacturing & Engineering, Religious Organisations & Charities, Retail & Commercial & Offices

Temperature Regulations

With record temperatures predicted for western Europe and the summer holidays not yet begun temperature in the workplace can be a hot topic. While regulations do state that “During working hours, the temperature in all workplaces inside buildings shall be reasonable” in the UK there is no set maximum temperature for a workplace and the regulation does not apply to … Read More

Noise – A note worthy appeal

brendanmullanAgriculture, Automotive, Construction & Property Management, Education, Haulage & Logistics, Health & Social Care, Hospitality & Leisure, Manufacturing & Engineering, Religious Organisations & Charities, Retail & Commercial & Offices


While many of the articles you will find here look at health and safety regulations from the point of view of enforcement by the authorities, failures in complying with regulations are often cited in claims for compensation when someone has been injured at work. Previously we have reported on a compensation claim by a musician against the Royal Opera House … Read More

What are the HSE’s plans?

brendanmullanAgriculture, Automotive, Construction & Property Management, Education, Haulage & Logistics, Health & Social Care, Hospitality & Leisure, Manufacturing & Engineering, Religious Organisations & Charities, Retail & Commercial & Offices

The HSE recently launched their business plan for 2019/2020, this sets out what their key areas of work will be for the coming year.  Naturally the HSE has an overall objective to improve workplace health and safety, the business plan provides some extra detail as to how they intend to achieve this. Putting the “health” into health and safety the … Read More