Work Right is a campaign initiative launched by the HSE which aims to help smaller businesses and workers. This provides guidance on a number of work related health and safety matters including mental health, musculoskeletal disorders and conditions that affect the back, joints and limbs and lung disease.
As part of this overall campaign the HSE recently launched Asbestos & You a campaign targeted at raising awareness among construction tradespeople with a particular focus on younger workers.
A campaign website includes a quick guide for trades people which highlights some common areas where asbestos products may have been used including pipe lagging, asbestos insulation board, gas and electric meters and fuse boxes, textured coatings, floor tiles and asbestos cement products.
There are also links to further information available on the HSE’s website including asbestos essentials task sheets which describe how a range of tasks should be carried out to minimise risk.
The key guidance regarding asbestos remains the same. Asbestos should be left alone if in good condition and undamaged however if the asbestos is disturbed or damaged it can be a danger to health and needs to be dealt with. Ensure that reasonable steps are taken to find out if asbestos is on site, keep a record of the location and condition of asbestos, manage the risks of working near to asbestos and provide information on the location and condition of asbestos to anyone who may risk disturbing or damaging it.
If you have any questions or would like support with managing issues at your workplace, please speak to your usual contact or get in touch using the form below.