The HSE Northern Ireland have announced that following a number of incidents where pool users have needed to be rescued by a lifeguard, they are launching a campaign of pool safety spot checks.
HSENI are reminding pool operators that risks should be assessed and “It is the responsibility of the pool operator to ensure that there are enough lifeguards and that they are competent, effectively organised and diligent in their duties”.
Where only one lifeguard is on duty, if that lifeguard is involved in a rescue then other pool users are effectively unsupervised and there should be suitable means for summoning support rapidly to the pool area to maintain supervision and assist with recovery of the casualty from the water as this will often require at least two people.
Where a risk assessment has shown that constant poolside supervision is not reasonably practicable, then robust alternative measures should be in place to ensure the safety of pool users.
The announcement by HSENI can be found at:
Please speak to your normal PIB Risk Management contact or get in touch using [email protected] if you have any questions or would like assistance with managing swimming pool safety

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