Terrorism (Protection Of Premises) Bill Launched

September 30, 2024
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Following the inquiry into the Manchester Arena terror attack in May 2017, earlier in 2023, the Government published a draft Terrorism (Protection of Premises) Bill, also known as Martyn’s Law. Following further consultations, a revised Bill was introduced to parliament on the 12th September 2024.

The Bill will apply to a wide range of publicly accessible premises, including shops, food and drink venues, nightclubs, theatres and music venues, sports grounds, libraries, museums, and galleries, conference centres, childcare and education settings, and places of worship with a capacity of over 200 people (the minimum capacity has been increased from 100 people in the draft bill).

For premises and events with a capacity of over 800 people that are not being held at a location that already qualifies as relevant premises.

For premises with a capacity of 200 to 799 people, a standard level of duty will apply, including requirements to ensure that appropriate public protection procedures are in place.


For these premises, “public protection procedures” are procedures to be followed by individuals working on the premises or at the event if there is reason to suspect that an act of terrorism is occurring, or is about to occur, on the premises, at the event, or in the immediate vicinity of the premises or event. These include procedures for:

  • evacuating individuals from the premises or event;
  • for moving individuals to a place on the premises or at the event where there is less risk of physical harm being caused to them;
  • for preventing individuals entering or leaving the premises or event;
  • for providing information to individuals on the premises or at the event.


Premises and events with a capacity of 800 people or more would have additional duties, including keeping documented records and assessing how the measure put in place may be expected to reduce the risk.

It is important to remember that the Bill has only recently been introduced to Parliament and the provisions may be subject to change as it passes through parliament. However the government has prepared a number of initial factsheets.

If you have any questions or would like support with managing issues at your workplace, please speak to your usual contact or get in touch using the form below.