Figures recently released by the HSE show that 1.8 million workers were suffering from new or long-standing work-related health problems, leading to an estimated 31.5 million lost working days. These figures include 672,000 new cases of work-related ill health in 2022/23.
Stress, anxiety, and depression were the most common types of ill health, with 875,000 sufferers representing 49% of all cases of work-related ill health. This is higher than the levels reported prior to the coronavirus pandemic, although reported levels had been increasing prior to the pandemic, and it is possible that increased awareness and changing attitudes towards mental health will have affected these figures.
Industry sectors with particularly high levels included human health and social work, public administration and defence, and education.
Musculoskeletal disorders were the next most prevalent, accounting for 27% of all cases (approximately 473,000 sufferers). Musculoskeletal disorders include conditions affecting the back, lower limbs, upper limbs, and neck.
Higher than average rates of musculoskeletal disorders were found in administrative and support service activities, construction, and human health and social work; however, the overall position for 2022/23 was in line with levels from before the coronavirus pandemic.
Separately, in 2022/23, 35,000 workers were estimated to be suffering from either a new or long-standing work-related breathing or lung problem. This is similar to pre coronavirus levels.
If you have any questions or would like support with managing issues at your workplace, please speak to your usual contact or get in touch using the form below.